Friday, 16 April 2010

A day of compost

Overnight Low: 5.3C Daytime High: 23.1C

I ate lunch again in the garden today - every day this week! I have pretty much got everything tidied up now ready for the grand house painting next week I am so excited!

Today I didn't do a huge amount, suffering slightly from yesterdays overexertions. I did lay a path out of old bricks, and one wheelbarrow and a 60litre bag of the new compost which we made onto the veg patch to make a courgette bed (L shaped in photo below) and a carrot/salad bed (square shaped) which will be fabric netted to a height of 70 cm to avoid carrot fly and also stop the ground drying out so the lettuces aren't as likely to bolt. In the foreground my garlic is to the right and my shallots to the left sheltered by the honesty. I have been collecting earthworms to put on my new beds and i will cover them up until they are ready to be planted - it will be several months before the courgettes are big enough to go out.

I am also looking for a new blog template, so watch this space! I want something more ephemeral, subtle and with greater control over the image placment

and i might - just might have had a furtle under the soil of some of the pots to check germination is taking place. patience never having been a virtue of mine!

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