Tuesday, 2 March 2010

An Independant Crocus

At least I think its a crocus!

I have a little patch of crocus in my front garden which greet me every year without fail, I have tried to move them out of the various paths into the bed but they prefer the path. This one however has taken it to a whole new level being almost in the steet!

I feel Spring might have Sprung. After days and days of rain and grey skies we have glorious sunshine and I have noticed several bulbs surfacing. I have been pleased to see my compost bin emptying and rich compost at the bottom which I shall hopefully dig out once teh ground has dried a little. A fortnight of sunshine but cold nights would really help my veg patch.

The garlic is coming up strongly now and the very late broad beans i put in December are doing really well. The others will have to come out, there is no way they will be strong enough to bear good crops and I have a space issue this year. I also need to dig in the green manure before it simply turns to lawn. My actual lawn has turned to moss with cat crap thown in for good measure. This year we may lay down some turf or may reseed with hardier grasses. The greenhouse has also ripped badly, now need to get some tough polycarbonate sheeting to screw on the end and make it windtight. It has done better than I expected, only the south end which has been exposed to the most sunlight and weather (wind) has ripped to the point where it cannot be mended.

Now I really need to send off for my seeds but that would involve finalising my list....

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