Back to the garden, our very loevly next door neigbour kept it going for us so when we returned the plants were all doing well. The peas have overall been a dissapointment and teh broad beans haven't given me anything like eth crop i had hoped for. The runner beans i started in teh greenhouse are now doing well, but i'm pleased i planted some additional ones as well. The carrots are so far ok, can definately tell that there are two types in there, springie are almost ready to start eating and teh courgettes are doing well - they had a ucky break before we went away when i planted them ALL out - 8 courgette plants, what was i thinking!!!
potatos are a bit of a mystery. the roosters in the ground have flowered & produced ball shaped fruit. The roosters and charlottes in the tubs however have produced no flowers and look 'thin' which is the only way i can describe it. Neighbour suggested dugging one or two up - might just try that. Note to self - BORAGE - grows BIG - like really really big! Bees love it though, they are buzzing away everywhere!
the other surprise was returning to work - the company started up again just before we got married but we have had to relocate to lowestoft which is over an hours travel away and £40 a week on the train. It'd be cheaper to car share but my car is now pretty much dead after its amazing road trip to Cornwall and won't make lowestoft and back - although we're getting a new car i don't want to have to put such a heavy milage on it in such early days. so train it is - choo choo.
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