The onions and potatos are coming along a treat, the second row of peas in the potato patch seem to at least have started, the ones the other side of the garden are a washout. We have a real ant problem, the full scale of it only just hitting home, i think they might be the reason why we're getting such dire germination rates. The Spring Onions and Carots in the veg bed are doing badly, have resown some lines today after spending a few hours weeding the veg patch. I also potted out the Yellow peppers from their seed try into individual pots where they can grow much bigger. Broad beans are infested with ants which i'll try to get rid of tomorrow with cinnamon and talc (works apparently)
One evening last week I potted up the herbs i had bought when i got the trees, which incidentally have just lost their petals, and they (the herbs) seemed to be doing ok. Today however i noticed many of teh oregano leaves have turned brown. My next door neighbour who knows everything looked it up in his vegetable growers book and seems like it was frost damage. I thought I'd covered the plants every night there was a frost forecast but it seems that one hapened which i didn't realise. Luckily the Acer is ok.
The tomatos are getting bigger and stonger, although next year i'll start them in teh greenhouse rather than indoors because they get a bit spindly - it'll be another three weeks before the tumblers go out methinks. The seeds started in the greenhouse are all very big and strong, the pumpkins and courgettes in particular. In fact today as it was such a nice day and i wasn't at work (see first p for explaination) I got all the seedlings from the greenhouse (except the toms) and sat them in the veg patch so that they could start to harden off, midday the sun got so hot i had to cover the greenhouse and when i put all the seedlings back in again they were all veeeeery thirsty but it was good for them overall. They will have to get used to coping without water on tap, after all we've had no rain in weeks and my butt (so to speak) is empty.
Have discovered the borage is coming up nicely and I have lots of honesty plants to put in the border, tonight half of them are being left out to harden off. The sunflower seeds from last year have a stupendous germination rate and are now being dug out as they are Giants and i have rescued half a dozen or so to pretty up the borders but that veg patch is for veggies!!! The sweet peas are coming up around the old dead willow and I have high hopes that they will do well. Just need to keep eyes peeled for frosts. All of the sweet peas which i grew indoors have given up and died. They just weren't strong enough.
There'll be a trip to the garden centre before this bank holiday is out, i need more compost and some cinnamon and other (organic) anti slug measures. A few big pots for the pumpkin and courgettes are also required. My runner beans are doing great but something is munching them in the greenhouse and my moneys on a slug! In the garden (as opposed to the veg patch) the chinese laterns are coming back in force, the hyssops are doing well, the fennel has gone bonkers - as has the fuschia but it doesn't have the shape it had before.
Mucky Gardener now off to bed! Wish I had more pics but I'll take some tomorrow, I found this which made me laugh - kinda how my plants felt when i watered them :)
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