Monday, 5 January 2009


I haven't seen a weather forecast for a few days, and my next door neighbour looked over the wall yesterday afternoon as i was oiling my bike and casually mentioned that it was forecast to snow - i confess i checked the veg patch was covered and then forgot the warning. Apparently its important for the soil not to get too cold.

Imagine my surprise this morning when I got up to cycle to work in time to unlock at 8 to find a reasonable covering of snow on the ground. I checked I had enough grip and proceeded on my way up the hill - oh it was cold. Halfway to work a snow storm descended and by the time I got to work I had snowdrifts in my elbows and looked like the abominable snowman. It took hours for me to warm up!

Just three days and it'll be my birthday, now if i could have some snow on my birthday I'd be very happy!

1 comment:

becslb said...

Hi Sarah, thanks for mentioning my blog! Can I ask how big your veggie plot is? Do you stuff in pots or only in the plot? I really like your pergola btw!! I have had a plan for one for ages... but not got there yet!