Friday 26 February 2010


 Are not bought, nor chitted. I have learnt from my lessons of last year and decided to leave them in the garden centre where they belong before i go and buy them to chit. This year I have chosen to just do charlottes in tubs as an early potato as we had more success with them and money it tighter with less to waste. This year the garden must be productive. I have set aside today to draw up a list of the items to buy, while bearing in mind that the garden needs to look pretty to be able to sell it. I like to draw out y plans as it makes them easier to visualise and i have my notepad and coloured pencils - so stand by for a wonky effort. Gardening I can do, drawing i cannot!

The 2litre water bottles I have been saving are going to be used to heat the greenhouse and also (as they are breeding overnight it seems) to be used to improve the flow of water to the plants roots by cutting off the borrom and burying them upside down next to a thirsty plant. This is mainly for the benefit of my beloved who can then wander the plot filling up the bottles, there are reasons why I shan't be carrying large volumes of water up and down teh garden but I'll save those for another day.

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