Thursday 1 October 2009

Pinch Punch first day of the month

1st October.....a good day for anything which moves as it is apparently Wolrd Vegetarian Day - and by total conincidence I haven't eaten anything non-vegetarian today.

1870 The first official issue of the post card was made in Britain by the Post Office together with the introduction of the halfpenny postage stamp.
1908 The first Model T Ford was introduced by Henry Ford.
1974 American fast-food chain, McDonald's, opens its first British outlet in London.
2000 Last commercial Hover Craft flight across the English Channel.

I can't really believe the nights are creeping in already! However they are and there is no getting away from the fact that if I don't get those springies and potatoes started soon they won't get the soil warmth to germinate. However it does have to be said that we are still heavily cropping the greenhouse tomatos and carrots. The crab apple seems to be quite happily settling in (finally) although the elstar is startingt to lose its leaves. The Christmas I would really like an outdoor tap fitted so we can water the garden - i know we are on a meter but the garden can't go through another dry summer like last year.

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