Monday 28 July 2008

Cool & Refreshing

Have just been out to do some late night watering and lit a candle under the candle pot and it looks amazing.

All calm and peaceful - and cool - finally cool.

Sunday 27 July 2008

And yet more Plants!

The weekend started well, hot - thats the only word for it! I went out to study on Saturday and 'he' started on the pamments - they look stunning and very natural although until we get the gravel down for real then it won't look finished.

The trouble with getting some plants was that it became obvious over the course of the week that we needed more! So on Sunday we went out to the Woodgate nursery again, stunning place, loads of interesting plants and great ideas. They have lots of interesting ideas about companion planting and I finally got my hands on some marigolds for the veg patch (they distract insects from my veg!) but I did get a bit carried away and it was touch and go wether we would get everything in the boot of the car.

When we got home I carried two of the boxes through the house to the car along with two bees and a couple of hoverflies who were so excited by the prospect of nectar that they buzzed along beside me - a bit hairy but they were only interested in the flowers. But after planting up this is how it looked;

The terracotta star thing is a candle light, heres a view from the side, we've a real mix of plants here but I like it.

And the grass? Its finally growing - patchy but its is grass nonetheless.

Sunday 20 July 2008


The veg patch is coming on a treat although I do with my runner beans would get a move on and start going upwards, the courgettes and squash seem to be getting the general idea about producing veg sometime before Christmas! After planting a passion flower, some tall grasses, a standard fuschia, a little blue plant whose name i've forgotten, a sage & a creeping thyme, a southernwood which I hope will keep away insects and some stunning sedums which will be put into the gravel to spread.

Friday 18 July 2008

Garden weekend

Decided after last weekends crazy study marathon that I;d have some time off to attend to the garden. Got up early and went out side to weed the front garden (it gets so hot thats the only time i could do it) and discovered teh reason the plants were dying in the pots.

Round the back the patio has er been laid out even if its not actually been put down properly, we went to a garden nursury near Aylsham this afternoon and bought some amazing plants but had to leave them in the car when we got back because it wouldn't stop raining! We went from the nursery to a tea shop in Aylsham and the sponge cake was to die for and we had a 'right proper' sized pot of tea. As you can see Buddha is watching over the building works.

Sunday 13 July 2008

Nothing Happening

I spent the entire weekend (8 - 6) both days working on my project, believe me when I say I'd rather have been outside!

No sign of the grass coming up yet, maybe I'm being too impatient!

Sunday 6 July 2008

Was that the weekend?

I have been struck down with the lurgy this weekend & if it wasn't for several very important meetings this week I would not be considering work tomorrow but needs must and all that jazz.

Here is the garden so far, 'he' spent an age sieving the soil in the circles to put the lawn seed down onto and then moments before the operation was due to be finished with careful scattering then the heavens opened and we had to make a run for it. I spent the morning making tea, and dozing in the deckchair to supervise operations. We put buddha out as the weather is nicer, sort of an 'on the home straight' moment really, well it was until the rain started!

Next time....the lawn, the flowers, the patio and the gravel!

Saturday 5 July 2008

Summers Here!

Heres a picture of my new pergola - I am so happy wih it - I think its blooming marvellous & it makes the garden look bigger.

I spent 3 hours weeding my veg patch today & happy that the beans are coming up at last along with the squash and the courgettes. The beetroot are looking a smidge wibbly and the rue have simply dissapeared.'he' almost finished the logs, we spent 2 hours in B&Q today getting plant fertilizer, soil improver (non smelly manure), lawn seed and topsoil for the lawn. We also got a fab lunch at their wittards cafe which was rather good.I also got some happy hippy slug destroyer which won't hurt hodgehegs and liberelly sprinkled it about. Next weekend we are going up to Cawston nursery to get plants.

We'll definately be getting a vine for the pergola, some trailing plants to soften the logs, some honeysuckle to go over the trellis and loads of other funky plants which will be able to grow in the poor soil. We've a list of grasses which we like as well which should give the wildlife some seeds and provide autumn colour. Next year I am going to get so much more out of my vegetable patch. I'm going to be getting some herbs to put straight in the soil under the pergola, and some daffodil and crocus bulbs to put under the lawn for spring.

Oooooo it'll be luverly!